Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Indian Food. Attempt #2

Lemon Rice! Cook some rice. Then warm up some butter (mmmm butter!). Add some mustard seeds, turmeric, chile flakes.

Toss with the hot rice.

Finish it with a healthy dose of lemon juice - freshly squeezed of course. There you have it! Lemon Rice! Something I will actually probably make a lot.... it was super duper tasty, and also really really easy. Oh, and super pretty too.

Steaming hot, just-boiled potatoes, radishes, plantains, carrots. Yes, boiled radishes are a thing. They actually taste kind of good...

Hot butter, with some big chunks of garlic, perfuming it. Ready and hot, about to be poured all over those nice hot steamy boiled vegetables!

Swordfish! Turmeric, salt. Waiting for a hot pan...

Final Product!

Indian food. An excursion. An open door. Not my forte. Not a complete failure. Hmmmmmmmmm....

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

Oh, that looks delicious though...butter!